Calcium is the most abundant mineral in our body. Calcium is an essential bone and joint health nutrient that plays an important role in bone development and mineral balance. The body requires calcium to develop, maintain, and repair bone density. It also helps in fighting against osteoporosis and maintains other body systems.
There are numerous benefits and uses of calcium for bone and joint health. The following article will discuss several use cases of calcium, as well as talk about its benefits.

Section: How is calcium good for your bones?
Section: Various Food Sources for Calcium
How is calcium good for your bones and joints?
Calcium has many uses for the health and well-being of your bones. It is critical for your body to maintain the proper balance of calcium and phosphorus, which are needed for healthy bones. Calcium helps to prevent osteoporosis by promoting bone growth, strengthening joints, and reducing the risk of developing fractures.
People with low levels of calcium in their blood may be at increased risk for developing osteoporosis later in life. Some people who have low levels may also benefit from taking supplemental vitamin D along with their calcium supplements; however, others do not see any benefit from this approach.
In fact, people who have osteoporosis often have low calcium levels in their blood. Without enough calcium, the bones become weak and brittle, making it difficult to walk or stand up straight. Calcium helps build strong bones by keeping them strong and flexible while they're developing. It also prevents them from breaking when someone falls down or gets hurt on the job or playing sports.
How Much Calcium Does Your Body Need?
The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for Calcium as per FSSAI issued on 16 July, 2021 (in reference to their earlier order dated 7 January 2020) is provided below:

Various Food Sources for Calcium
There are various food sources of calcium. Making sure you take them in right amount daily will help you in maintaining the calcium balance in your body.

Few examples of foods that are rich in calcium are :
Dairy products, such as milk, yogurt, cheese and ice cream;
Dark green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, kale and collard greens;
Nuts such as almonds and peanuts;
Legumes (peas, beans);
Non-dairy milks (soy milk);
Calcium-fortified juices;
Fortified cereals;
Some fortified orange juice.
Given below are the links for your reference to help you find out the amount of calcium in different food sources:
When should you start taking calcium supplements?
The body contains a reserve of calcium, but that reserve can be depleted by certain factors. These factors include age, pregnancy and lactation, stress, and smoking. Your body does not produce calcium on its own, so you have to depend on your diet to fulfill the daily needs of calcium.

You should start taking calcium supplements if you're not getting enough calcium from food sources. Calcium is found in milk and other dairy products, green leafy vegetables, and tofu.
Some people take calcium supplements every day to help meet their needs for the mineral. Others take them only when they need extra calcium. You may choose to take a supplement at mealtimes or any other time if you have trouble getting enough calcium from your diet alone.
It's important to take calcium supplements if you're a woman who is pregnant, or if you're breastfeeding. Calcium is also important for men and women to get if they have osteoporosis or pre-existing conditions such as kidney stones.
You should start taking calcium supplements if you have a deficiency of vitamin D. This is caused by a lack of sunlight and can be caused by low levels of vitamin D-producing skin cells. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, so it's important to get enough through diet and supplements.
Is it safe to take calcium supplements during pregnancy?
Taking calcium supplements during pregnancy is a popular way to get extra calcium and prevent osteoporosis in later life. But is it safe to take calcium supplements during pregnancy?

According to a research article published it was found that "Calcium supplementation during pregnancy for women with deficient dietary calcium intake offers modest benefit in terms of preventing preeclampsia and preterm births and improving maternal and infant bone health."*1
In another study data from 10 randomized controlled trials was included. Pooled analysis showed that calcium supplementation during pregnancy was associated with a significant reduction of 45% in risk of gestational hypertension and 59% in the risk of pre-eclampsia in developing countries. Calcium supplementation during pregnancy was also associated with a significant reduction in neonatal mortality.*2
Therefore calcium is important for pregnant women because it helps prevent the health problems that can occur during pregnancy such as gestational hypertension, and pre-eclampsia.
Calcium supplements are available over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription strength. Some prescription calcium supplements may also be taken during pregnancy. However, it's best to discuss your options with your doctor before taking any supplement during pregnancy.
How to Tell If You are NOT GETTING Enough Calcium ?
If you don't get enough calcium, your body can't replace the mineral as easily as it normally would. The result is low levels of calcium in your blood and bones — which may lead to a number of symptoms including:
Muscle Cramps and Spasms
Numbness and Tingling
Ostopenia & Osteoporosis
Dry Skin
Confusion and Memory Loss
Premenstural Syndrome (PMS)
Tooth Decay and Gum Disease
Abnormal Heart Rhythm
Calcium deficiency is a very common condition, especially among older adults. It can lead to a lot of symptoms as mentioned above. Therefore, if you think you may have a calcium deficiency, consult your doctor immediately.
Takeaway: Calcium does not just help with your Bones and Joints
It shall be clear to you by now that how much important Calcium is for maintaining Bone and Joint Health. But calcium does not just help in maintaining bone and joint health. It has various other benefits that will help in maintaining the overall health of a person.
Calcium helps regulate muscle contractions (such as those in the heart), which can be beneficial for people with heart conditions. Calcium may play a role in reducing the risk of blood clots, including those that lead to heart attack or stroke.
Calcium aslo plays an important role in cell signaling, and is required for the production of serotonin, which helps regulate moods. It also supports healthy blood pressure levels and normal brain function.
Moreover, it also works with vitamin D to help maintain a healthy immune system.
Calcium is very important for a healthy body and its deficiency can lead to different types of conditions. Therefore, it is important to maintain proper calcium levels in the body by taking appropriate meals and supplementation.
"Making sure you get your daily dose of calcium keeps your bones and teeth healthy and strong... no matter how old you are. This essential mineral can help prevent osteoporosis and even heart disease, as well as help with muscle function, blood clotting and more."

Always consult your Doctor/Dietician before taking any supplements
Disclaimer: The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.